Put an outreach engine behind your portfolio. Gain valuable insights from analytics.
Investor Outreach
Help your portfolio companies be successful
Protect your investments with an outreach engine that helps your portfolio companies connect with their most relevant investors. We’ll work on getting them connected while you support their success.
most relevant
investors for

portfolio company
Messaging Analytics
Learn from how investors communicate with your portfolio companies. We’re building a knowledgebase for how investors communicate with founders. See sentiment analysis, outcomes, and trends for how industry- or stage-specific investors communicate with female vs. male founders, pre-revenue vs. post-revenue founders, US- vs. non-US-based founders, etc.
Your own

interface for managing
investor outreach
We'll run your companies' outreach campaigns
Your companies attribute success to you
Your investments gain longevity
Monitor analytics from investor replies
Learn from investor analytics how angels, VCs, and PEs communicate with founders.
Use this intel to form strategic relationships.
Contact us to collaborate
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